Importance of Zinc in human health

Dear friends,

Let me share with you an article about Importance of zinc and the sources we from where can get the same.

Not much spoken about, and not much bothered about. That pretty much sums up the life story of zinc. But let us tell you, if we don’t have enough of that mineral in our system, our life story would be summed up quite differently. Which is something we wouldn’t want. Not once. Not ever. And hence this post on foods high in zinc.

 why is it important

Keep reading to find the answers. Here you will learn about 25 zinc rich foods and much more.

Table Of Contents


Why Is Zinc Important

What Is The Recommended Daily Allowance Of Zinc

What Are The Foods High In Zinc

Are You Getting Enough Zinc

Who Is At A Risk Of Zinc Deficiency

Why Is Zinc Important?

The right time to ask the right question. Because what’s the point in knowing about the foods rich in zinc without first knowing the nutrient’s importance?

Zinc is a trace mineral. But it is found in cells throughout the body. The body’s immune system requires zinc to function optimally. And guess what – it also helps you use the senses of smell and taste.

Zinc helps in the production of about 100 types of enzymes in our body. It acts as an antioxidant and neutralizes the effects of free radicals, reducing risk of cancer. It also stimulates the production of blood in the body. Zinc promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is a necessary element in wound healing.

More importantly, zinc is a must during pregnancy, infancy, and childhood. The body needs zinc to grow and develop properly.

Simply put, it could be a trace mineral and your doctor would have forgotten to stress on its importance – but you would only be inviting illness without adequate levels of zinc. 

What Is The Recommended Daily Allowance Of Zinc?

This table (as per the Institute of Medicine, Nepal) will help you get an idea.

 Age                               RDA of Zinc
Birth to 6 months                 2 mg
7 months to 3 years.            3 mg
4 to 8 years.                          5 mg
9 to 13 years.                        8 mg
14 to 18 years (girls).          9 mg
14 and above (boys and men)11 mg
19 and above (women).          8 mg
19 and above (pregnant women)11 mg
19 and above (lactating women)12 mg

That’s with the dosage. But how do you ensure you are getting enough of it? Well, these foods rich in zinc can help.

What Are The Foods High in Zinc?

Here are some of the richest sources of zinc:


Sesame Seeds

Flax Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds


Cocoa Powder

Swiss Cheese

Egg Yolk

Lima Beans

Kidney Beans

1. Oysters

Serving size – 50 grams

Zinc – 8.3 milligrams

DV% – 55

Apart from zinc, oysters are also rich in protein. And the best part is they boost your protein intake without increasing your fat consumption. They are also rich in vitamin C – one serving covers about 15 percent of your daily requirement of the vitamin (1). Vitamin C is great for immunity while protein enhances muscle and cell health.

How To Include In Your Diet

You can have them broiled with herbs. Even raw oysters work wonderfully well, especially when combined with horseradish. But be careful where you get them as they also are a common cause of food poisoning.

2. Sesame Seeds

Serving size – 100 grams

Zinc – 7.8 milligrams

DV% – 52

Sesame seeds are also a great source of phytosterols, compounds that help lower cholesterol. Another compound in sesame seeds, called sesamin, helps balance hormones and boosts overall health. The seeds are also high in protein (2).

How To Include In Your Diet

You can use sesame seed butter in the place of peanut butter on your toast. The seeds also pair very well with salmon or chicken – you can make a delicious homemade granola.

3. Flax Seeds

Serving size – 168 grams

Zinc – 7.3 milligrams

DV% – 49

Flax seeds are also extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids – nutrients that boost heart and brain health – in addition to offering numerous other benefits. The seeds also aid in the treatment of arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease 

How To Include In Your Diet

You can add ground flax seeds to your breakfast smoothies or salads. You can also sprinkle the seeds on cooked vegetables.

4. Pumpkin Seeds

Serving size – 64 grams

Zinc – 6.6 milligrams

DV% – 44

Pumpkin seeds are also rich in phytoestrogens that improve cholesterol levels in postmenopausal women . The seeds are also rich in antioxidants that give your health a boost.

How To Include In Your Diet

You can add the seeds to your bedtime salad – this nighttime snack can also boost sleep quality.

5. Oats

Serving size – 156 grams

Zinc – 6.2 milligrams

DV% – 41

One of the most popular breakfast choices, if you ask us. The most important nutrient oats contain is beta-glucan, a powerful soluble fiber. This fiber regulates cholesterol levels and enhances the growth of good bacteria in the gut.

Oats can also improve blood sugar control, and that’s something important, given the rise in diabetes cases across the globe .

How To Include In Your Diet

You can simply have oats for your breakfast. That would be the easiest way to increase your zinc intake.

6. Cocoa Powder

Serving size – 86 grams

Zinc – 5.9 milligrams

DV% – 39

The zinc in cocoa powder enhances immunity, and given it’s something we all love (that finger-licking dark chocolate) – getting adequate amounts of zinc shouldn’t be a problem. Cocoa powder is also rich in flavonoids that boost immunity.

How To Include In Your Diet

Add cocoa powder to your coffee or tea. You can also use unsweetened cocoa powder in gravy, protein shakes, and hot cereal.

7. th scrambled eggs.

8. Egg Yolk

Serving size – 243 grams

Zinc – 5.6 milligrams

DV% – 37

Egg yolk is replete with other nutrients as well. It contains vitamins A, D, E, and K. The yolk is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. And more importantly, the yolk contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin – compounds that boost vision health 

How To Include In Your Diet

Boiled egg yolk is a good option – you can add it to your salad.

See you in the next article



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