know the secret of the real health

Dear readers,
Do you know Which is the  real  health for our well being?
Dose  Good Physique is indicative of a real healthy body condition? Obviously
The answer from all for this would invariably yes.
Of course it can't be denied too, but the point is
Leading a healthy life isn't limited to that alone is to be borne in mind and
Is what I would also like emphasise at this juncture.

Our  work out at home or at  gyms  on daily basis  dose in no way assure a healthy long life.
This truth is what we  all realised from the recent past unfortunate happenings around us.stronger healthy and affluent people is not guaranteed of a joyful long life with their near and dear.
Writing this many would accept from present day happening around us has taught us a lesson. That physical fitness is just one of the criteria for healthy living and not the only factor to determine our longevity of life.
Well this would make everyone ponder upon, as to  what else is that I wish to stress here.
Yes dear ladies and gentlemen it is nothing but healthy conditions of our vital body organs like Heart Liver,Kidneys are hardly taken care of us by anyone.

Just focusing to improve our on physical well being leaving our vital organs amounts to building a multi storied building without any foundation
all such efforts will be in vain ultimately collapsing the entire building at one point of time.
Coming to the point let me share few tips keep a really healthy and fit body.
As I said earlier Heart is one our vital organ in out
 circulatory system, which is a network of blood vessels that delivers blood to every part of your body. Blood carries oxygen and other important nutrients that all body organs need to stay healthy and to work properly.
But unfortunately we fail to take care of it without much straining.
But condition of our heart is in no way detectable by normal means.Some expensive methods like heart echo test and Scan would only reveal the real wellness of the heart.
But still there are very simple tests see available to test our heart condition at home.
Yes it is nothing but our B.pressure readings and Blood sugar readings will indicate the future if our heart condition.
All male or female above 40 need compulsory test BP and sugar periodically
And this dose not require going for any doctor or hospital and can well be done at home itself using latest gadgets available in market for that purpose.
Yes it B.P.apparatus and Glucometer available in medical shops and can even be purchased online by clicking the link below
If you get one for your family that is the real and best investment for leading a healthy and long life with your beloved family members.

Pls do read my other articles about controlling diabetes by natural means.

Santhanaraman Srikanth

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