Dear Readers,

Today I would like speak about very important topic of controlling Blood sugar in our body by natural means
This is more important in the present day living as controlling this one single deficiency is for sure going to prevent us from being
Attacked by many other ailments.
Let us see some tips about how to overcome Type II diabetes in natural ways.

This becomes more important in the present-day sedentary lifestyle of living.
It's is no wonder if I say people at the young ages become more vulnerable to the disease mainly due to their addiction to junk food eating habits and their reduced physical activities.
Uncontrolled sugar levels in the body are more dangerous and a silent killer disease leaving no hint of the risk factor involved and on a fine day crumble you down.
Wonder! What makes me emphasize the negativity of the disease more, well it becomes more necessary because human beings, in general, are lazier to follow even simple routines suggested for healthier life until they get affected and things become too late for easy recovery.
Now let us see some simple tips to keep the sugar levels under complete control.

Cinnamon, fenugreek, and garlic are some of the best glucose regulating spices out there that you can safely use at home to lower blood sugar naturally. Also, include these wonderful fruits and seeds into your diet to help balance blood glucose without medication.

Now let us see the Three Amazing herbs that aid in Lowering our Blood Sugar

3 Amazing Spices that Lower Blood Sugar

1. Cinnamon Keeps Blood Sugar Low

Used since ancient times, cinnamon is not only famous for its original, slightly spicy aroma but also for balancing the glucose in the bloodstream.

The active ingredient in the cinnamon responsible for lowering blood sugar naturally is cinnamaldehyde.

cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon promotes the release of insulin, enhances insulin resistance, and increases the body’s availability to this hormone.

By regulating the glucose in the blood and improving the body’s insulin sensitivity, cinnamon helps you maintain a normal body weight thus reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease. If you want to cut out or reduce the sugar intake for good, cinnamon can be of great help to you. This is because it accelerates sugar metabolism suppressing your appetite for sweet foods.

To benefit from these amazing effects, it’s enough to have 1 tsp of cinnamon per day. You can add it to your morning coffee, cereal yoghurt, or smoothies. as per your convenience.

2. Fenugreek, the Spice that Lowers Blood Sugar Naturally

While it has been mostly used as animal feed, fenugreek has regained its long lost glory in recent decades. The origins of fenugreek are lost in legends and myths.

The legend says that the Egyptian goddess Isis brought this miraculous herb to the humans, this being the reason why it has been considered a valuable spice amongst the nobility at the pharaohs’ court.

Fenugreek seeds are widely used in Indian cuisine. Thanks to their high fibre content, fenugreek seeds are known for aiding carbs absorption in the body. Hence, these seeds are a great remedy for lowering blood sugar and regulating glucose.

In case you’re suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes or type 1 diabetes, it is recommended that you drink 2-3 cups of fenugreek infusion per day.

In the case of type 2 diabetes, taking a 4 tsp powdered fenugreek a day, in a 6 months-long cure is the remedy to lower blood sugar naturally.

You must follow this remedy while continuing to check your blood glucose regularly and under close medical surveillance.

3. Garlic Lowers Blood Sugar Naturally

Garlic has amazing natural properties in reducing glucose levels in the blood. A study from 2006 on lab rats and a more recent have both proven that garlic helps lower blood sugar naturally.

The researchers showed that garlic extracts help increase insulin levels in patients diagnosed with diabetes.
Hope the input has given enlightenment about diabetes and how to get rid of the same by home remedies.
In addition, to regular intake of the above natural herbs a brisk walking of minimum half an hour at least would bring best result to reducing blood sugar levels.
Though blood sugar is not a disease as such but a deficiency that can be overcome by correcting our life style habits which if not followed,  is certain to result in  multiple diseases difficult to heal from.


Srikanth Santhanaraman

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