Chandrayan 2

After a two-month journey, Chandrayaan 2 entered the lunar orbit using its own propulsion system. On September 2, 2019, the lander Vikram separated from the orbiter and began its descent towards the lunar south pole, an area that had not been explored extensively before.

However, during the final moments of the landing process, communication with the lander was lost, and Vikram crash-landed on the lunar surface. Though this was a setback, the orbiter continued its mission and provided valuable data.
The Chandrayaan 2 mission had multiple significant objectives. First, it aimed to showcase India's technological prowess and establish ISRO as a key player in global space exploration. Second, it aimed to deepen our understanding of the Moon's composition, with a particular focus on water ice, which could have implications for future human space exploration.
Despite the landing setback, the mission was still considered a partial success. The orbiter, equipped with cameras and spectrometers, continued to function as planned. It mapped the lunar surface, studied the Moon's exosphere, and provided insights into its geological evolution.

Chandrayaan 2's impact extended beyond its immediate objectives. It paved the way for future lunar missions, both from India and international partners. The mission showcased India's commitment to space exploration and inspired a new generation of scientists and engineers.
The lessons learned from Chandrayaan 2 will undoubtedly contribute to the success of future lunar and planetary exploration endeavors. The mission has brought us closer to unraveling the mysteries of our celestial neighbor.
conclusion, the Chandrayaan 2 mission, with its ambitious goals and technological advancements, marked a significant milestone in India's space exploration journey. Despite the challenges faced during the landing, the mission expanded our knowledge of the Moon and set the stage for even greater discoveries to come.

Thank you for joining us on this captivating journey to the Moon with Chandrayaan 2.
Get ready to know about the success story of chandrayan three shortly.
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