Nature's Confrontation

 Dear friends,
I would like to share my thoughts about the present crisis that we all human beings passing through  in lieu of the invasion of the whole world by the invisible monster covid 19.
 almost every one around the world were made to succumb to it's pressure, with a unexplainable fear and pandemonium not knowing how to go about and get across  this crucial stage
safely and successfully.

This had obviously raised a quest in them as to whether
are there any medicine to revive from?
what are the preventive safety measures that needs to followed are there any guidelines protocols etc?

well, enough enlightenment
have been already given through TV channels and social media networks all these days about various preventive measures, but still, I think it is quite essential  to reiterate as a recap  as a matter of reminder so that everyone  make it a consistent practice and it becomes order of the day
in their daily routine.

practice cleanliness and hygiene
wash your hands frequently
with soap solution for minmum 20 Sec thoroughly

need to travel? without fail
sanitize your hands thoroughly using established and quality brand sanitisers  like this frequently.
Use Face Mask As Not To Contaminate The Outside atmosphere by your sneezing. 

Stay at homeprovid
if you aren't part of any essential service.
Last but not the least
Adopt social distancing.

Why not let us analyse the effect this pandemic corona  in different perspective correlating its
repercussion  to, our life style, our  attitude and our behaviour etc
has this come to teach or inculcate anything to this man kind?

The  onslaught and invasion of invisible monster  Covid 19 is apparent, as "fear in the eyes' and "tremor in the mind" of the whole Mankind around the world.

crossing  boundaries and borders spreading fast
exponentially victimising everyone in all quarters on it's way by being a global pandemic creating havoc.

Pity is that the victimised human itself acting as the vector for its propogation.
one man killing the other unknowingly and inadvertently of his own race isn't it  really pathetic?

While We humans just preach equality, and breach when it comes for practise but covid,19 Simply practice it without any prejudice.
Rich or poor, King or common man,god man or conman Doctors or patients no bar, and never mind
It's actions are similar without any indifference in getting down heavily upon everyone.

Does this not a clear exhibit of vulnerability and limitations of human beings of this morden times, who were just boasting so much of their scientific, and technological advancement by proclaiming having set their foot on the moon and put the entire world in their pockets.
But now locking himself inside his shelter realising he is just a warrior with no weapons to retaliate with.

This situation of helplessness clearly elucidate that we quiet often forget our limitations against nature in as much as of Our enormous technological developments and above all mainly by virtue of our self conceit and ego.

Nature do taught us all  lesson here and there  in various forms of calamities
As earth quake it made everyone of us  come out of our homes to the streets.
As a strom and flood it made our houses and belongings to float, leaving us as a silent spectator in helpless state.

Unfortunately all these manifestation of our mother nature to refine us hasn't brought any realisation in the mankind and we failed to take lesson from them and correct ourselves.
So, it seems that this time the mother nature had  decided to teach us all a lesson by confronting  the entire world  from all quarters simultaneously in toto, using ourselves as a tool to promote it, and eventually made us to surrender in to it once for all unprecedented,
exposing our inability to retaliate with and practice stay at home as the lone option.

However in the absence of any medicine or vaccine to fight against being at home is for sure a  strategy that goes to display our human ingenuity, only
 like in the absence of sword in hand to fight against with,
 we should be wise enough to  at least behold the shield to protect ourselves from  being attacked by our enemy,
like wise there is a dire need to safe guard ourselves against this virus ,and attenuate its spread  going any more viral by staying inside home by all means.

from now on at least, let us all  be realised and imbibed in our within,that we are just human being and we do have limitations.
and there is something above all which controls everything.

As  this deadly virus sees no disparity to attack us on the basis of caste, creed colour status etc.,and act upon,  likewise it is more important that we too should forget those disparities and act in unison to fight against it and eradicate.

The need of the hour is to shed our differences and fight against this common cause cohesively against COVID 19  and also to invest our interest in safeguarding our nature too.

It is for sure that
Sooner or later, humans would come out with medicine to eradicate it once for all
But then  the lesson it taught to this Mankind of the whole world, should never be forgotten
Or forbidden.

how is that are we going to stand to this 
Test of Time with our individual and collective resilience is what most important in the coming days.

So dear friends apart from following Cleanliness hygiene and social distancing,
Prevention of the mother nature from being  exploited various forms of deforestation, disruption of what waterways polluting atmosphere
should in no way be carried out or entertained anymore henceforth.

Let us all respect and love the mother nature , and nurture it for benefit of ourselves and also our coming generations to prosper with a good, healthy and peaceful life.

hope humanity has taken this as a lesson to correct themselves and follow the present practises in the coming days for the benefit of humanity.

Thank you all for your patient reading.

Jai Hind.

Santhanam Srikanth

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